*PLease Note:

Manual therapies are temporarily not being offered at the studio at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience*



Massage therapy:

Massage Therapy encompasses a wide variety of techniques including gentle pressure techniques such as Relaxation massage, Swedish massage, Lymphatic Drainage or Aromatherapy massage for relaxation, promotion of lymph and blood flow, lowering of stress/blood pressure levels and promotion of a general sense of well-being; through to firmer therapeutic techniques such as Pressure Point, Sports and Remedial massage.

These techniques are particularly useful for management of acute and chronic muscular-skeletal issues brought about by activities including long-term desk work, sports, accident injury management and other conditions requiring professional manual therapy intervention.


Strain Counterstrain:

A gentle method developed by osteopathic physician, Lawrence Jones. It works to reduce acute and chronic muscle spasming throughout the body.



A traditional Chinese medicine technique in which suction cups are applied along meridians (muscle tissue) stimulating flow of blood and qi.

Cupping (especially in conjunction with massage therapy) helps alleviate and rectify inflammation, pain and other acute/chronic ailments.



Works by utilising similar traditional Chinese principles to cupping by the application of heat to acupuncture points along meridians.

Moxabustion works best in conjunction with massage therapy.



Assists in treating myofascial and painful muscular conditions by inserting hair-thin acupuncture needles into trigger and acupuncture points.


All modalities offered at The Studio are specifically tailored to meet individual needs and goals.
Visit us for a one-off treatment or sit down with our practitioner and create a personalised remedial treatment/maintenance plan.


30 mins - $60

45 mins - $80

60 mins - $95

75 mins - $110

90 mins - $125

120 mins -- $190














For queries and bookings phone us on 0401 401 730.